I was pre-MD/PhD a long time ago, and took the MCAT in January 2008. After receiving a score of 42S (99.9% percentile; equivalent to ~526 now), I began teaching for Examkrackers. I created and used these outlines for my classes during my four years of teaching.


  1. Molecular Biology, Cellular Respiration — Download
  2. Genes — Download
  3. Microbiology — Download
  4. The Eukaryotic Cell; The Nervous System — Download
  5. The Endocrine System — Download
  6. The Digestive System; The Excretory System — Download
  7. The Cardiovascular System; The Endocrine System — Download
  8. Muscle, Bone and Skin — Download
  9. Populations — Download

Organic Chemistry

  1. Molecular Structure — Download
  2. Crash Course — Download
  3. Hydrocarbons, Alcohols and Substitutions — Download
  4. Carbonyls and Amines — Download
  5. Biochemistry and Lab Techniques — Download


  1. Translational Motion — Download
  2. Force — Download
  3. Equilibrium, Torque and Energy — Download
  4. Momentum, Machines and Radioactive Decay — Download
  5. Fluids and Solids — Download
  6. Waves — Download
  7. Electricity and Magnetism — Download
  8. Light and Optics — Download


  1. Atoms, Molecules and Quantum Mechanics — Download
  2. Gases, Kinetics and Chemical Equilibrium — Download
  3. Thermodynamics — Download
  4. Solutions — Download
  5. Heat Capacity, Phase Change and Colligative Properties — Download
  6. Acids and Bases — Download
  7. Electrochemistry — Download